Services to enhance your well-being

Here you will find services to assist in rebalancing and regenerating positive growth for you and your family.

Energetic clearings for people and pets

People and pets energy whether their energy fields, chakras, meridian lines or physical bodies can become susceptible to many detrimental influences. Help is at hand to get you or your pet back to the…

Follow up Energy Clearing Sessions

Follow up sessions can reveal and remove layers of energetic blockages freeing up your energy and helping you to face the future with a positive outlook.

House, business and property clearing

Paranormal and full energetic clearing of the places where you live and work offers you a clean energetic living or work space, where people’s wellbeing is enhanced and work prospects grow and prosper…

Ready to book?

Contact Anna for a no obligation 30 min online meeting to discuss your House Healing, Paranormal clearing, Personal energy clearing or Life Coaching needs. No question is a silly question, Anna has seen it all in her house healing, energy field, and paranormal clearings.