#98 Trauma energy & entities: Impacting you & your home

Addictions, negative actions and behaviours leave energy in the locations where they happen and can affect people’s mental and emotional stability.

#98 Trauma energy & entities: Impacting you & your home

You get an indepth understanding of trauma imprints in this episode and how different types and levels of negative behaviours and actions create detrimental energy that can affect the structure of the home, the occupants, the contents of homes and even pets causing major problems including mental and emotional negative shifts, sleep issues and relationship issues in turn attracting the dark energetic feeders.

TRIGGER WARNING: Before we start, I must say that we are exploring sensitive topics today regarding harmful actions carried out by people towards themselves and against others. There is no graphic detail, but if the information triggers you in any way, please see your doctor, mental health professional, or grief counsellor.


What are trauma imprints?

Trauma imprints are pools of negative energy and I often find this energy in homes, let me explain. House healing or house cleansing is tough work and very confronting sometimes. Buildings show me very vivid often coloured visions of the types of energetic imprints, in this case, negative actions that have occurred and been absorbed into the walls, floors, fittings and furniture over days, weeks, months, years, decades and even centuries. I call the negative actions I see – Trauma imprints. Trauma imprints are different to emotional imprints as emotional imprints are the internal feelings we create that create an internal vibration transmitting into an external vibration being absorbed into the building and its contents. Trauma imprints are the external actions we create that leave detrimental energetic energy in locations and on items.

The trauma imprints I mention now are some of what I am shown in homes and other buildings and they are not in a particular order. Trauma imprint energy may include but is not limited to Verbal abuse, Physical violence, Domestic violence, Self-harming, Suicide, Death, Stroke, Murder, Alcoholism, Recreational substance energy, Accidents, Falls, Bloodshed, Overdose, Assault, Mental and emotional instability, Hoarding, Depression, and No will to live energy.


Bloodshed even though not an action, can be the result of an action and carries a strong vibration because of the action causing it to spill. When there is bloodshed on items and in locations, even when physically cleaned up with all the chemicals you can think of, there is still the energetic vibration present. This is prevalent in one of the real-life experiences I am sharing today to illustrate how the energy of a room can shift affecting the occupants in a home.

I have three experiences to share with you about relatable changes in the energy in homes and what the causes were, some felt by the people living there and others I identified, in person and remotely.

Just so you know, the trauma imprints I will be mentioning in the following experiences include physical violence, verbal abuse, suicide, bloodshed, assault, mental and emotional instability and threats.

I have called this first experience:

Ben’s sleep sensations

One of my house clearing clients, Bev, contacted me because her son, Ben aged 7 was displaying strange behaviours in his bedroom day and night. While asleep, he would scream out at the top of his voice multiple times every night, tossing and turning in bed like crazy and his bedding was always a tangled mess in the morning and he wouldn’t go to the toilet by himself at night and couldn’t explain why. This had been a problem ever since the family moved in 3 years ago and they were considering selling up and moving house. They even took Ben to see doctors who could find no medical or mental health reason for his strange behaviours.

To cut a long story short, after energetically clearing the whole home, I came to the last bedroom which was Ben’s next to the bathroom. In Ben’s bedroom, his bed was positioned up against the wall next to the bathroom where the bath was positioned. This main bathroom was riddled with emotional imprints AND trauma imprints from many previous occupants of the home. You will find this next part sad and possibly upsetting, so just letting you know, 25 years previously, a female in a fit of despair from all the abuse she had endured from her drunken husband over many years, took her life in the bath, leaving the bath full of bloodshed. Subsequent families moving into the home weren’t told of the suicide in the bathroom and many families moved in and moved out because of the unpleasant energy in the home.

Ben’s body was feeling the disruptive energy seeping through the wall next to his bed and the paranormal entities attracted to the vibration of the suicide and bloodshed trauma imprints vibing through the wall. Once I identified the suicide and bloodshed trauma energy imprints and removed them, the paranormal entities were moved out of the house and Ben’s sleep settled back to normal. The lady is spirit wasn’t present in the home but in episode 97 – Suicide souls, I share an experience where the spirit person was still in the home. This has a happy ending, so be sure to give it a listen.

Sharing information with clients is complex. I share all emotional imprint information along with anything else I find such as portals, paranormal presence, magic interference etc BUT trauma imprint information can be sensitive. I clear all detrimental imprints in detail to clear the room, room and the whole home of the energy, but when I write house clearing reports for clients, I don’t share the full details of this type of trauma imprint found in homes because the family need to live there without fear, anxiety or sadness and thinking of the trauma that occurred in the bathroom every time they are in that room.

Our second experience highlights how furniture can absorb trauma energy and you will find this super interesting.

I have called this experience:

The traumatised table

A friend messaged me because her husband wanted to bring his now deceased father’s prized huon pine table into the house and she hated it. She and her daughter felt uncomfortable around it like there was something attached to the table that she just couldn’t put her finger on.

 Looking at a photo of the table I started my usual energy clearing process and my pendulum was swinging out of control. The table was registering with 3 demonic level beings and a massive buildup of rage, hostility, hatred, blame, bitterness, conflict, depression, anxiety, overwhelm, and panic that had been absorbed into and onto the table from within approx the last I5 years.

 There were also trauma imprints embedded into the table and I know this because the table showed me the actions that led to it being abused. The clients shared nothing with me other than the table was a family item. What I saw was an angry man continuously banging his huge fist on the table. As I saw him hit the table, its wood vibrated and shook under the weight of his heavy fist and his red face was bursting with anger as he pointed and shook his right index finger, especially towards a lady seated at one end of the table.  Furniture absorbs all that goes on around it and this table had massive buildups of verbal abuse, physical violence, mental and emotional instability, and alcoholism. I felt that this man had passed off a heart attack because his energy was so intense and his anger was, there are no words to explain it.

 And this was interesting too, the traumatised table also needed grounding. Huon pine is a prized wood as it has slow growth and takes centuries to produce limbs big enough for furniture. The wood in this table felt abused and unappreciated and even though made from natures wood, it felt ungrounded. I don’t quite know how to explain this but it wanted to be energetically grounded energetically into Mother Earth, so I complied.

The table is now cleared of all emotional and trauma energy and is fully grounded. It did make its way into the house and held pride of place in the husband’s den.


Our third and final experience is another piece of furniture absorbing negative energy and
I have called the fascinating encounter:

The red chair with a secret

An innocent looking sweet child’s red velvet chair contained some hidden negative energy. A friend bought it and then realised how creepy the chair felt in the house and it ended up on the porch until she could decide what to do with it.

There were 4 energy beings attached to the following emotional and trauma imprints in the chair: There were emotional imprints of episodes of anxiety, discontent, rejection, panic, paranoia, indecisive, rage, distress, hostility, judgment, resentment, bitterness, worthless, shame, loneliness, unworthy, humiliation, and sadness absorbed in approx the last 5-6 years.

I saw a young child sitting in the chair and felt trauma imprints in the chair, as both witnessed and absorbed physical violence, threats and verbal abuse energy from between two people who constantly fought. I could see the child sitting in the chair trying to make herself look small in the chair so as not to be seen by the arguing people and possibly get yelled at. The chair is energetically clean now and has found its forever home in another little girl’s bedroom.

All trauma imprint energy affects people and locations. Constant violence-related trauma imprints whether verbal abuse, physical violence, domestic violence, assault, or threats really impact the home’s energetic feel and the people and pets living there. If you have trauma, mental and emotional instability, depression, suicidal thoughts or self-harming behaviours affecting you and your family, please see a mental health professional and get help to treat your personal issues. You will benefit from this big time as well as your family, home and pets.

Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
House, business and property clearing:

I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.

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