#94 Trigger objects spirits enjoy & paranormal investigation tips

How to communicate with spirits in a way THEY enjoy and you come away feeling a sense of wonder and excitement.

#94 Trigger objects spirits enjoy & paranormal investigation tips


PARANORMAL INVESTIGATION IS SO MUCH FUN FOR US AND ALSO FOR SPIRITS WHEN YOU GET YOUR APPROACH RIGHT. In this post, you will get an inside look at paranormal investigation tips you can use for communicating with spirits and the types of trigger objects they enjoy.

Sometimes, spirits need to get to know you first before they will communicate. I found this out when I worked as a paranormal tour guide. Some spirits are shy and at the other end of the scale, some will push or trip you or even swear at you through devices because they don’t want you there or you are being disrespectful or they just aren’t in the mood to communicate. Imagine lying in bed minding your own business and a bunch of random people with flashing noisy gadgets enter your bedroom and start noisily waving their devices about… you would be annoyed too at the invasion of your privacy.

Another thing, be yourself… I can’t stipulate this enough. Don’t pretend or put on a façade to mimic some fancy paranormal investigator you have seen on YouTube or in investigation shows because you think it is cool. Spirits dislike fakes and will simply choose to not interact with you. I have been in places where I have had heaps of great spirit interactions and others go there and set up tonnes of equipment and start yelling ‘ Come out and show yourselves, we know you are here”… and they get nil responses.

What I have found that works best is like I said be yourself and talk like you normally would to living people. Use kindness, jokes and laughter, I had some of my best experiences happen when others and I were just having a chat amongst ourselves and felt that cold waft of energy come closer, gently squeeze my shoulder or put their hand on my shoulder or children spirits love to sit on my knee.

This is important too, ask permission to enter the building and each room if necessary – respect goes a long way with the living and those in spirit. Spirits respect you if you respect them.

Types of trigger objects you can use when doing paranormal investigations

Dowsing rods are a great non-invasive investigation tool understood by some spirits as water-divining tools from the old days and they are happy to touch and move them to let you know they are present and can answer yes and no answers.


Table tipping is another non-invasive spirit communication method some spirits enjoy using to communicate. I used this technique when on paranormal tours and we found spirit men, women and children like this method to convey yes and no answers to questions similar to using dowsing rods. They would tip the table to the right for yes and left for no. We used a small round-topped wooden table with a single stem and three wooden feet. Once the spirits understood and practiced mustering up their energy and laying their hands on ours, kind of using our energy through our relaxed hands laying flat on the table. They could then lift the table slightly in one direction, slightly being around 1-3cm. They could soon adapt their approach and slide and wobble the table and sometimes move it around the room.  Rooms with wooden, concrete or lino floors worked best. It is like any skill, once you master it away you go.


AVOID – A lot of noisy, flashy paranormal devices scare spirits – If the spirits are pre-technology, they don’t understand the flashing lights, beeps, and the white noise of the spirit box and we would get words such as evil, witch, or devil come through the spirit box or written on the screen of the ovulus by frightened spirits.



The following object examples relate to specific types of locations to give you some ideas and what I have seen work and some triggers that didn’t work.

Leaving out positive objects relevant to the time and location is most important and really common sense. You don’t want to trigger spirits in a negative way, especially in mental health institutions, old hospitals or anywhere they might have experienced negative happenings in their lives. Do some in-depth research beforehand about the site and the residents at the location before you go there, look at photos of the residents and take items of their time. Items they will relate to and what they might be missing now in spirit form.


When I worked at an abandoned mental health institution as a tour guide, we found that the male spirits in the criminally insane ward weren’t always welcoming but those that did want to communicate enjoyed trigger objects such as decks of playing cards, a checkerboard and the pieces set out, a tobacco pouch and a rollie, and even a small bottle of rum as these were items of their time. The rum not so much, but it might have been a desired item of the time.

The lady spirits in the criminally insane ward were always a bit elusive

TRIGGER OBJECTS WE TRIED TO GET THEIR ATTENTION : we tried chocolate, makeup cases, magazines… all the things we thought females might be drawn to.

WHAT DID WORK: The tour operator used to play old-time music or ABBA songs on her phone and sing while we were setting up for the night’s tour. Music is something that everyone can relate to on some level and lightens the mood and the spirits respond to the happy vibes. A friend of mine who was a mental health nurse suggested old-style dolls wrapped up in hand-knitted blankets would be comforting for the ladies, as many of the women may have had children or lost babies to illness before or while in the institution.

There were also many children’s spirits at this site and they loved all the items living kids do such as books, games, wooden toys, dolls, and teddy bears. These are all timeless objects kids love. We had many memorable interactions with the spirit children and would look forward to our visits there.


In old gaols, like Richmond Gaol here in Hobart, I have taken a small bottle of rum, decks of cards and handmade raspberry drop lollies. The lollies weren’t a hit but the rum and cards were and one spirit, a javelin man ( a convict given a guard level of job) followed my friend and me back to my house one afternoon and happily flashed away on the ghost meter pro which has a red light at the front triggered by emf fields. He stayed with us for 3 hours or so while we sat in my kitchen chatting and then he headed home at our bedtime, which was the agreement we made with him when we knew he was there. He was just looking for company, a change from gaol life and maybe he missed the ladies and liked our company.


In old now abandoned hospitals, there can be strict rules in life and now still in death as I found out. SHHH was something I heard quite often in the Old Hospital in Queenstown, here on the west coast of Tasmania. I am tall, and loud in my walking and in my talking and learnt to be quiet and talk softly because myself and Maureen were in a still functioning hospital in the spirit’s eyes.

Standing in the operating theatre for more than 5 minutes was a no-no. You knew when you needed to leave… the energy changes quite significantly in an intense get-out kind of way. Maureen who runs tours of the hospital, decked out the supplies room near the theatre with bandages, scissors and all the medical needs that she could get her hands on and it looks amazing when you go in there. The pathology room as we found out was off limits… it is still run by two tough nurse spirits who don’t like people in there because it is still a germ-sensitive place in their eyes. They let us know by messing with our electronic gadgets, shutting off my phone and disrupting video recording and we soon realised we had overstepped the rigid hospital rule boundaries. So now, entering the building, we knock on the pathology door and say” Morning ladies” and keep moving.

This is funny, well it is now, it wasn’t at the time. I found out while staying in the now accommodation that used to be the Nurse’s Home, you must ask permission to enter and stay in the rooms. I would knock on the door, let myself in with the key, say hello, and say how long I would be staying. I found out the hard way that this was necessary as near sleep one night, I received the worst electric shocks on my eyelids from annoyed nurses or it could have been the Matron giving me a firm warning – you are in our home – remember your manners.


REMEMBER TO HAVE BOUNDARIES,  As much as I am saying be friendly with spirits remember to have boundaries – make sure you mention as you leave” Thank you very much for having me or us here today, please stay here and we will come and visit again another day. Spirits can be lonely and take a BIG liking to people who they think they can latch onto and go home with.

 What types of behaviours and activities repel spirits?



I have three main points for you to remember when you are out and about connecting with the spirit realm around us:

1.     I have experienced spirits being repelled by the thought of using Ouija boards, so think twice about using this type of tool for spirit communication. They know what can come through and generally, it isn’t spirits. I have felt a buzzing vibrant spirit-filled room be emptied iinstantly by the mere showing of an Ouija board. AND Spirits are vulnerable to dark entity attachment as much as living people.

2.     Poor manners and being disrespectful in your language and your actions are big stoppers for spirit communication. They will simply leave or for a bit of fun, standing there and watching you make a fool out of yourself. Pushy people with all the bells and whistles and flashing devices demanding spirits come out and show themselves. I have been to locations with minimal or no paranormal investigation equipment and had the best time and LOTS of interactions where others roll in with ego, loud mouths and all the equipment in the world and get nil responses. Spirits choose who they communicate with.

3.     I find most spirits who want to communicate just want to be acknowledged, for someone to talk to them like they are still alive.  Remember to be yourself, and don’t pretend to be some macho paranormal investigator. Spirits dislike fakes and will simply choose not to interact with you at all.

And on that note, I trust you found this episode interesting and can put some of these ideas into practice next time you do some paranormal investigation. let me know how your investigation goes and the types of trigger objects that work for your spirit communication.

Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
House, business and property clearing:

I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,

And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.


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