#92 – 18 reasons for the not-so-glamourous side of paranormal work

I deal with the paranormal every day … it is a lifestyle, not a job. Once they see you and know you are interested… they come visiting.

#92 – 18 reasons for the not-so-glamourous side of paranormal work


In this episode, you gain first-hand knowledge about the not-so-glamorous side of House Healing and energy work. I share 18 reasons why this type of work is not for the faint-hearted and how people get all starry-eyed and think they can make a few quick bucks or become famous from energy work. I get emails from people interested in the glamorous side of working with the paranormal but they aren’t interested in the day-to-day 24/7 exhausting lifestyle that comes with this line of work when interacting with energy beings of all different levels.

The following 18 reasons I share today may challenge people’s perspectives. The information may come across as a bit blunt to some listeners, but I say it how I see it from a lifetime of dealing with the paranormal. I am always honest and people need to know if they are considering this line of work as a career.

1.     Dealing with the paranormal is not a party trick – Dark entities are real and dislike being treated like a circus act. We don’t know a lot about these beings so you have to tread lightly and respectfully with every house healing or energy job. There are no bragging rights when working with dark entities otherwise they will find a way to smack you down to size!!! As Ken found out in episode 8 – Bragging about his takedown of demons in a famous US haunted location that went horribly wrong.

2.     That said, you need a no-fear attitude but not an arrogant or egotistical mindset. Demonic entities can sniff out a beginner house healer a mile away. They know you are not a threat but will let you know with mental and physical tactics that they are there and to stay away or they may play with your emotions or dreams like a kitten playing with a ball of wool.

3.     You get a name on the dark paranormal grapevine – The dark vine is like a demonic version of a gossip line. They know who you are and where you live and can visit to observe you, your behaviours, and your work ethic and then decide whether you are someone they can tolerate like me or someone who they need to show who is boss!

4.     You will be challenged and every house healing, property clearing or energy job you do is different, being a creative thinker who likes detective work will go a long way with this type of work and you learn a lot about yourself in the process – determination, resilience and personal triggers.

5.     This type of energy work is not a job, it is a lifestyle – When dark entities and spirits see you, you see/ feel or hear them, they need to know your boundaries otherwise they will cause chaos in your home annoying you day and night because they want help or just because they can. Dark entities love to trigger people for fun to see your reactions or if they feel threatened.

6.     Entities trigger your worst traits, know your hidden fears and how to trigger you – Keeping yourself energetically clean means dealing with your emotional baggage, being prepared to do the self-work, seeing counsellors and mental health workers if necessary to work through personal life traumas, acknowledge your fears and clear out as much past baggage that you can… this leaves fewer triggers they can use to bring you undone.

7.     This follows on from no.6 – Entities will test you. You need to be mentally and emotionally tough with boundaries and NO drama – because entities like to test your responses and mental resilience at first if you are a newbie until they learn your level of vulnerability. This experience came to mind – for example  – my issue with human suffering. I love paranormal movies but can’t watch paranormal horror movies with gore and blood spillage, you know the type of movies I mean. Entities in the early days of my doing this type of energy work would infect my dreams with bloody images, and horrific gory happenings to frighten me away from house-clearing jobs. As I have aged, now 56, I am now not as easily upset by human suffering in movies. Don’t get me wrong, I still have to shut my eyes when it happens in movies but I don’t ruminate about it for days on end. And the entities can’t use it as a scare tactic anymore.

8.     You have to look after your body and eat a clean diet – This work knocks your physical body about. After finishing some jobs, I can feel like I have been energetically hit by a truck and need a rest day where I do light work, drink plenty of water and spend time outside grounding in the garden. Our physical bodies aren’t built to deal with the energy world around us and all it holds.

9.     This follows on from no.8 -You must keep yourself energetically clean… that means checking your protection is active and checking and clearing yourself of energetic attachments. Entities can sneak in when you are connected to a person or property during a clearing job and are looking for a new host with a better food source. I know of people who do energy clearing on people and in homes and they are riddled with dark entities. What this means is that where they go, the entities go to and the entities can drop off into new locations causing more problems for the clients initially needing the clearing work. The energetic cleaning of yourself is done once or twice a day and those that say they don’t need to do it are either lazy or living in ego.

10.If you are dealing with magic energy and entities and yes it is real, you need different strategies to manage your protection and also for working on people and properties and you need regular updates for your protection and work practices to keep yourself safe.

11.People spread lies and rumours and gossip about you – You get all sorts of negativity possibly from friends and family, workmates if you have a second job and you need to develop a tough skin. I have a local story for you, well a second-hand experience and you will understand when you hear it. I have friends who regularly attend a spiritual church here in Tasmania and you know how people love to gossip and get all dramary. My friends were quite upset when they attended the church one night, only to hear gossip about me and my work… people called me the Witcher, equating what I do to a TV show of the same name. These people have no idea about working with the dark paranormal, they think it is some sort of devil worship or satanic practice. They connect with spirits for readings which is great but that is it. Gossip lines run thick and fast when people like me challenge those with limited perspectives about the paranormal. They do the love and light thing which makes me want to vomit, yeah, there are angels and I work with them but here is also the balance of the dark realm.

12.Understanding demon protocol and what annoys them… this is a biggie. When you understand how they work, as much as we humans can… you need to be humble and professional and respectfully talk to them when moving them out of people’s homes and other locations. They occupy people and places for reasons and if you are rude, work in ego or greed or have ulterior motives they WILL know and you will pay the consequences in the form of sleep disturbances, electrical issues in your home or car and any other way they know triggers you.

13.There is no such thing as part-time paranormal work, they see you and the door is open energetically. It isn’t a 9-5 job and can roll into weekends. Back in Episode 5, I share a local Tasmanian experience with a ‘part-time’ demon hunter as she loved to call herself. She wanted to work Tuesdays and Thursdays and that was it… well, that doesn’t work and this is why … Entities know what you do and where you live and if you are disrespectful like this lady, they will torment you day and night. She was complex, she loved the interactions but was all dramatic about hunting and demon slaying and please don’t call yourself a demon hunter. Entities loathe that term and they will pull you up just for using it. They can and will follow you home… affecting the energy and behaviours of your family and pets. Remember, there are millions of them and they all have buddies.

14.You have to keep your head on straight and ditch your ego – the work is not about you and how good you are. It is about helping clients by improving the energy of their homes. Dark entities can pick egotistical people a mile away and will make you pay for it. The focus needs to be on the removal of energetic baggage in the location and the well-being of the people and pets living there.

15.You must learn how to read people and their needs and intentions and I don’t mean psychic reading but assessing and analysing their emails, information shared, the language they use to talk about their supposed ‘paranormal’ issues, their body language if you see them in person or their voice and ums and ahs if on the phone… there is a subtle difference between paranormal addicts and mental health conditions, and people who want attention. I always refer potential clients to see their doctor and mental health professional first before energy work to cover other issues that may be causing their problems.

16.Dealing with sceptics – you need a thick skin, there is no room for blubbering or being a drama queen or king in this work. Sceptics will doubt you and let you know openly they think you are a fake. It is how you handle these types of people that is important. I acknowledge sceptics. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. People can be sceptical out of fear of the unknown, because religious upbringing and beliefs, or they are left brain thinkers and very scientifically minded and it is 00% ok. I have worked for sceptics who have notice massive shifts in their home’s energy and family interactions after energy work but won’t acknowledge it. That is ok too, remember ego is not part of this work. If you can help a client improve their lives then that is the winner and I am happy with that.

17.You can end up with a bunch of fake friends who put you on a pedestal… remember to keep your ego in check, you are a professional energy worker serving the public. Keep it real, even if like me, you can count your close REAL friends on one hand.

18.Be honest, if you can’t do a job, then say so and pass the client onto another energy worker if you know someone who specialises in the client’s needs. Being a fake and taking people’s money is greed, ego, and pride and you may get a bad reputation.

Before we finish today let’s look at the pros of doing this type of energy work:

1.     It is really rewarding to help people live safer lives in their homes. The emails or phone calls saying little Freddy is sleeping better with no more night terrors

2.     If you choose to like me, you can educate the public about a little-known topic in a REAL way, not the hype, jump scares and paranormal drama that runs rife on the internet, TV and in the movies.


Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
House, business and property clearing:

I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.

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