#89 Watching paranormal movies & investigations attracts entities… Yes or no?

Everyone enjoys a good paranormal movie or watching people roaming through a dark building, but does this open a doorway to entities visiting your home and you?


#89 Watching paranormal movies & investigations attracts entities… Yes or no?


In this episode, I had a question from Eric who said, I have experienced some strange happenings in my home and he asked: Does watching paranormal TV shows and movies attract entities? This sparked a bit of controversy when I mentioned it to a friend who is a paranormal junkie and she was not impressed at all and I thought why not record a whole episode lifting the veil on my two different viewpoints on this topic after many years of observation and personal experiences while watching paranormal movies and investigations online.

To explain the two viewpoints, I am separating real paranormal investigations and fictional movies into two sections because they can attract energy beings of varying levels for very different reasons:


Who doesn’t love paranormal investigation-type shows, they are exciting to watch as people explore unknown often dark locations sometimes with traumatic or grim pasts. These places are loaded with spirits who lived onsite and the spirits roam these sites often going home with the investigators who showed so much interest in them, that the spirits take a liking to them. Spirits sometimes follow people home because one of the living people on the investigation may resemble a family member from their past or they are lonely and looking for company.

Watching paranormal investigations online or on TV can trigger some people mentally and emotionally as much as participating in them. My awareness or symptoms of spirit or entity presence at the location when watching investigations are, that I can feel light-headed or I get quite energetically and mentally heightened and headachy and start talking really fast or my speech slurs and I stumble over my words or I get a sudden choking cough when watching some investigations and have to turn them off and ground my energy outside in the garden. Spirits and other entities feel your energy watching them in real locations, it is hard to explain unless you have experienced it.

Here is a short story for you: Paranormal night walkers

I know this is a thing because I watched some paranormal investigations online one night at a friend’s house and funnily enough, I didn’t get many symptoms like I just mentioned but I think this is because this experience was spirit-based. We binge-watched paranormal investigations for 3-4 hours well after midnight and when we went to bed, neither of us slept well…I felt heightened in my mind and my body was buzzing. From both rooms, we heard sounds like walking in the hallway, door knobs turning, and felt someone looming over us in bed, or sitting on our beds. Was this our minds?… Possibly, were our brains still in paranormal mode?… This could be because the places these people visited were quite exciting with long twisted histories and our minds were wound up and heightened. Were we manifesting or inviting them into our homes?

But I felt a distinct difference in the room I was sleeping in at my friend’s house. That whole day before viewing the shows, the room was light bright and felt energetically empty and when I went to bed, it felt like I was sleeping in the middle of a silent crowd of onlookers. I asked the spirits politely to go back to their locations as it was time for me to get some sleep and the crowd slowly disbursed. Some stayed and I said that if any of them wanted to transition into the Afterlife, I would help them in the morning.

Now, the darker entities may come into your home through the shows to silently observe you and can make your home’s energy feel dark, or dense like a pea soup fog. They can follow people home from paranormal investigations or tours if the people have been rude or disrespectful or they have a particular vibration that the entities like or if you are an energy worker or medium and your energy shines a different way to others. The beings like to observe us similar to the spirits and might play tricks on rude people as a bit of payback.


Short story to highlight this issue from a parent’s perspective: I have a client and her husband who went through a paranormal investigation TV, and YouTube phase and they both wondered if the shows could bring or invite entities into their home through their mere viewing. Their children unaware of their parent’s viewing choices, over the next few nights started having sleep issues… waking up screaming or delusional with night terrors and nightmares that frightenen them to bits. The parents stopped watching the show even though they loved them finding the content totally fascinating and the home environment settled over a week or two.

I talked about entities following a frequent paranormal tour guest’s home one night and running amuck for days in her house back in episode 2. Check it out if you want to hear the whole creepy story of what it was and how I got rid of it or was it them?

Secondly, let’s look at fictional paranormal movies:

Everyone loves a good paranormal movie when you are in the mood for a bit of a scare, whether for the psychological side or the spooky action and happenings. Engaging with the paranormal even in fictional movies or documentary remakes of true supernatural events can act as a form of an invitation to spirits or entities as I mentioned in the story. Think of it as giving attention and intention and that individuals might inadvertently open a door to these entities, making them more susceptible to paranormal experiences in their homes.

From a psychological perspective, the impact of watching paranormal movies can be significant. Some paranormal movies verge into horror films that are designed to elicit strong emotional responses, such as fear, anxiety, panic and paranoia. These heightened emotional states can alter one’s perception and increase sensitivity to environmental stimuli. After watching a particularly frightening movie, a person might become more alert to sounds, shadows, and other sensory inputs that they would normally ignore or rationalize. This heightened state of awareness can create a feedback loop where harmless occurrences are interpreted as paranormal, reinforcing the belief that watching the movie has attracted entities.

Additionally, the power of suggestion plays a crucial role in this phenomenon. Paranormal movies often include elements that suggest certain behaviours, items or symbols can summon or attract spirits. When individuals watch these films, they might internalize these suggestions, consciously or subconsciously. This can lead to heightened anxiety and a predisposition to interpret normal, everyday occurrences as supernatural. The fear and expectation of encountering something paranormal can be so strong that it influences fear reactions, behaviours and perceptions, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy where the belief in the presence of entities becomes real to the individual.

In more scientifically-minded people, as I talked about back in episode 81: Sceptics and debunking the paranormal, the paranormal is often dismissed as superstition and any experiences following a paranormal or horror movie are typically attributed to psychological effects rather than paranormal activity, and I get that. While there is no scientific evidence to support the idea that these films can attract supernatural beings into your home, the psychological factors at play can create a powerful illusion that feels very real to those who believe in it. The human mind is adept at finding patterns and connections, especially when primed by fear and expectation. Therefore, while the physical act of watching a paranormal movie may not invite spirits, the psychological impact can lead to experiences that feel convincingly supernatural.

Depending on your personal level of spiritual openness or psychic awareness can define if you sense, see or hear entities in your home after watching paranormal content whether real investigations or fictional movies. Both movies and real-life paranormal investigations and tours can draw entities to the living whether spirits, sometimes elemental beings, the darker entities, or even cosmic beings to those who are seriously curious and pumping out the vibe the entities feel in the environment, especially paranormal addicts for all the reasons I talked about back in episodes 19 and 21 – Paranormal addicts LOVE the supernatural and it envelops their thinking, behaviours and lifestyles. They become absolutely obsessed and preoccupied with paranormal content and it can control their minds and warp their sense of reality.

My observation: Paranormal imagery even though it is fictional in movies can be embedded into your mind for years, decades and sometimes for the rest of your life. I can still see images in my mind from paranormal/ horror movies designed to scare the bejerkers out of you and being sensitive to paranormal influence in the early days, I would be awake for nights or even a week replaying the scary images over and over again and creating more and more fear and paranoia. Nowadays, I am a little more neutral and more in observation mode not fear mode but it took years to get that way.

Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
House, business and property clearing:

I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.

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