#87 Safe spirit communication practices & WHAT TO AVOID!

Do you contact past loved ones? What processes do you use? Do you open and close your method or technique? Sooo many questions…

In this episode, you discover spirit communication … the good, the bad and the negative side effects of contacting those on the other side.
You will learn:

  • What are the good (safer) practices, (13 in total)
  • What to avoid and please take notes!
  • Negative side effects I have witnessed in clients who dabble in these types of spiritual activities whether innocently or with darker intentions.

Some of the commonly used practices I mentioned today have been specifically put in the “What to avoid” section because I doubt their safety for some people’s mental and emotional vulnerability as my clients have shared on many occasions.


#87 Safe spirit communication practices & WHAT TO AVOID!


Today, we are stepping into the parlour on how to contact those on the other side – what are the good practices, what to avoid and some of the negative side effects I have witnessed in clients who dabble in this type of spiritual practice whether innocently or with darker intention.

Some of the commonly used practices I am mentioning today I have specifically put in the “What to avoid” section because I personally doubt their safety for some people’s mental and emotional vulnerability and I have had bad experiences or two, so I speak from experience.

Before we delve into our 13 good practices, there are four important points to remember:

  1. Think about your intention – Intention is powerful and be aware of your mental and emotional state – you need to be calm, relaxed and settled in the mind and body to do any level of spiritual work. It’s important to approach these practices with an open mind and to be mindful of your emotional well-being.
  2. Trust the process, be respectful and don’t work from ego. That is a big no no.
  3. Practice and find the processes that work for you and don’t have a preconceived expectation of what you will get and how you will get it. You will be heard but may not always get a response when and how you expect.
  4. Be aware that there are trickster energies all around us who take advantage of vulnerable people.

Ok, so now we are ready for my 13 good practices people can use to contact or communicate with a deceased loved one:


  1. Psychic skills – Use your ESP to be aware of signs in the environment, what can you see, hear and feel in your mind, body and in the environment around you. You would be surprised how our loved ones can use our environment to convey messages – songs on the radio, see a number or symbol, butterflies, signs on buses etc. Don’t try to make it happen in your mind or stress over it, be relaxed and observe what shows itself to you.
  2. Dreams – Ask a question out loud and as you drift off to sleep ask your loved one to come to you in your dreams. When you wake up, see if you remember your dream.
  3. Meditation – Have your loved one in your mind and set the intention to communicate with them during meditation.
  4. Prayer – Say a prayer for a loved one to hear while thinking of them or looking at their photo. Intention creates the connection, even if you don’t believe or trust the process.
  5. Holding a loved one’s favourite possession or having it in pride of place in your home When my Dad passed, I drove his little car for about 10 years. My mum didn’t drive and the car would have just sat there. I called it Poppy’s car and thought of him every time I drove it. And he would occasionally drop into the passenger seat and sit smiling at me for a few minutes and then he was off again.
  6. Writing Letters: Many people find comfort in writing letters to their deceased loved ones as a way of expressing their thoughts, emotions and feelings and sharing the latest news. You can read the letters out loud or in your mind, at home, or at the person’s grave site, up to you
  7. Work with a trusted medium – Find an authentic medium who can connect you with your loved one. Mediums tune into the other side and relay messages to you, answer questions and give comfort knowing that your deceased loved one is at peace.
  8. Set up an Altar –In some cultures, personal altars remain in the home to honour passed loved ones by creating a special space with favourite pictures of the person, their prized items, big or small, and your letters written to them. Alters can put a smile on your face when you feel sad about a deceased loved one, you honour their memory and feel closer to them.
  9. Mirror gazing – Some people have success connecting with the spirit realm through mirror gazing. By relaxing their mind, and softly gazing into a mirror, sometimes you can see changes in your face, the environment around you shifts and changes and possibly see a passed loved one. This practice can cross into the ‘WHAT TO AVOID” section as some people see mirrors as portals. If you do mirror gaze, ask Arch Angel Michael to close the connection after you finish your session.
  • Talking to them as you go about your daily life – I do this often – when I used to drive my dad’s car or use his tools to fix something or out in the garden or use my mum’s cooking bowl. These items and activities bring back fond memories.
  • Talk to the person at their grave site – Some people find the gravesite a comforting place to connect with their passed loved one. Talk with the person and leave flowers or a memento.
  • Paranormal investigation equipment – Using a spirit box or voice recorder can capture voices from the other side. Although I generally find this is just with spirits in the Earth environment, you never know, it wouldn’t hurt to see if a deceased loved one might use the devices to say Hello. This activity can attract other spirits in the environment, so when you finish your session, ask all spirits present to please leave the location.
  • Remember loved ones on their birthday or at family events with laughter and fond memories. Make them their favourite cake or treat and you and that family share memories and enjoy the moment. You would be surprised how many loved ones are around us all the time but we are too busy, stressed or blocked to see them.

Let’s look at WHAT TO AVOID when attempting to contact the other side

  1. Giving permission for a spirit to step into your body, is a dangerous practice unless you are a medium who is trained in this skill. The everyday Joe is vulnerable and often has no idea what they are getting into. There is a 2022 Fictional movie called – Talk to me – that highlights risky behaviours in conjuring the dead. This movie has a MA15+ rating but is truly an R rating so beware if you have a weak stomach or are vulnerable mentally or emotionally. I had to shut my eyes at the worst parts. My daughter suggested it as a paranormal movie, which it was and she said it was gruesome in parts. I watched it to see what practices people might use to talk with the other side for fun. It is fictional but also shows how vulnerable people can be to paranormal manipulation.
  2. Taking drugs to enter a trance-like state – this practice can make you vulnerable to dark entities. Substances alter your mind, your awareness, your reactions and your vibration and may open an energetic doorway for them to get in.
  3. Spiritual practices you don’t understand – Always do some research and if it doesn’t feel right, step away… your intuition is warning you.
  4. Black magic practices – Do I need to comment here? Magic especially the darker kind summons entities not spirits and they can be tricky to remove.
  5. Ouija boards – I have had some negative experiences with Ouija boards and I see them as portals that people willingly open and don’t close. I was guilty of this in the early days and talked openly about my negative experiences back in episodes 19 and 21.
  6. Seances – similar to the Ouija board, seances open portal doorways into other realities and vulnerable people at the table may be susceptible to paranormal attachment. By sitting there, you give permission to connect to ‘whoever’ comes and the word ‘connect’ has many meanings and the ‘whoever’ can be spirits or dark trickers… think about it

Now, let’s look at some of the negative side effects of contacting the dead

  • You can become very ungrounded which means your energy body may be disconnected from your physical body and your energy scattered outside your body creating memory issues, vagueness, and brain fog type symptoms disrupting your daily life.
  • Paranormal practices can become addictive and your addictive thinking and actions draw spirits and other entities to you like moths to a flame.
  • This type of paranormal practice can trigger deeply hidden emotions or disrupt your mental state, so see your mental health professional if needed.
  • Like I mentioned earlier, people don’t close the portal doorways and all sorts of entities can be let into the location where the activity was held.

Really and truly, your intention to connect with a loved one will draw them to you, no matter where you are and what you are doing. Thinking about them and the positive memories you have is the easiest and safest method to connect to them. Make sure too, that after you have your connection moment, you let them go with love back to whatever it is they are doing on the other side.


Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
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I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.


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