#82 Spirits, mediumship & listening to your inner voice: David Chametzky interview

David Chametzky, internationally known inspirational speaker and deep message expert who opens your eyes to aligning with your life journey. David shares his mediumship and reiki journeys and some of his heartfelt and most memorable paranormal experiences

#82 Spirits, mediumship and listening to your inner voice: David Chametzky interview

TRIGGER WARNING: David touches on his experience with suicide and the positive impact it had on his life. If this information triggers you, please see your doctor.

Full transcript can be found at:

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These are David’s paranormal experiences shared below:

Paranormal experience: The Ring

So I’d been in a dark period, just sort of isolation, but not necessarily, you know, complete isolation for about five years. And at some point I had dreams.  There was one dream, the first paranormal experience I had, was shortly after she died, her brother, I was very close with her family, her brother said, Dave I need you to come out for dinner, and I said yeah, I had a dream this week, he goes, I need you to come out for dinner, I go okay Brian I’m out, I’m coming out, one of his daughters was, I was a godfather to them, and uh, so he goes, I want you to tell His wife, the story, Carol, the story.

And he goes, I’m going to be outside the room, you know? And I told him, and she’s like crying. And when my girlfriend Sandy was killed, she was killed by a drunk driver. She was walking on the street. I didn’t know a lot of the details then, but we found the details afterwards. But I had told her to go to the party that night. So years later, I had survivor guilt.  The dream that I had, the only per there was only one other person in the world who knew I was going to ask her to marry me in three weeks when she came home for Thanksgiving here in the States. So I had this dream. The dream is of her holding her ring and she goes, don’t worry, I still have the ring. And she goes, don’t worry, everything will be fine. And I go, okay. And this is after she’s passed on. So then her brother also had a dream. Within a day or so that the same dream and he’s the only person in the world that knew about the ring He goes I had a dream about the ring and I said I got to tell you about the dream about the ring He goes and his wife then told both of our stories.

We were basically at the same place where she was killed We didn’t know it wasn’t near us She was in Stanford College Which is 3, 000 miles. We’re here in New York. So it wasn’t an area that we would normally see. And we had that story and I was like, she came to us to tell us that she’s okay. I was like, nah, that can’t be true.

It’s just a coincidence, right? I didn’t want to give in completely. And then she had come to me at other times. And at one point, which made me sort of get back into my life after a number of years, it was a grave. And there was a hole next to sort of like hers. It wasn’t really ours. But in my dream it was and she goes, either you’re going to get in or you’re going to get out. You’re not ready yet. And it was a bunch of years. I didn’t date. I didn’t, you know, like most people in their 20s, they go, Oh man, you know, we have our parties, not that my 20s were bad, but, my 20s weren’t, you know, dating and all that stuff. It was, you know, grieving for the first love of my life.

Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)

Wow.  Now, I know you are a inspirational speaker. I see you a lot on Facebook talking about the events that you go to, how you’re promoting mental and emotional health in people, the way you do your comedy and the way you do your inspirational speaking. Do you find that a lot of that is intuitive? Like it comes to you as you’re doing the speaking, like your psychic skills must be highly connected to what is out there in the universe.

Speaker 2: David Chametzky ( Guest) talks about his Mediumship skills

Very much so. I didn’t embrace it all the time because I had some other instances that came through, but. What I’ve done is embraced. So I remember going to a class how to learn how to be a medium and I was able to do that. And then I said, I don’t want the talent because I was sitting across from a man who had, uh, within a couple of months lost the love of his life as an older gentleman. And I was able to tell them within a, a seating location in Yankee stadium here in New York. About this big breasted woman wearing a Yankee Jersey blonde.

And, you know, and I opened my eyes and he’s crying. He goes, that’s her. And I go, she’s fine. And I’ve done this a few times. So I do use my intuitive skills when I’m working with people. Uh, when I feel it really strongly, like I get the, the hairs on my, uh, on my neck. Uh, raised a little bit,  you know, I do use it in the work that I do.

And then that’s why there’s a lot of times when I speak, people are like, Oh, that was great. Can you say that again? I’m like, no, I can’t. I don’t know where it’s coming from. I do believe it’s a gift of God. Uh, there’s a lot of times that I hear the things that I need to, to tell other people, you know, there’s been times where I’ve reached out to friends and I go, Oh, that’s great. I know this is going to sound weird, but can I just share this with you? And they’re like, how’d you know, who told you? And I’m like, what are you talking about? And then we talk it out and I’m like, you know, that’s why I feel I’m very in touch with a lot of things. I don’t always understand it. Uh, that’s where I always ask, Hey, could you give me a little hint and clue on how to move forward on things?

Sometimes it’s trust your gut. And other times I’m like, okay, I just have to wait till the timing is right. You know, that’s the part that’s really hard as a human being. We, we want to know everything, but sometimes we need to not know.

Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)     

So when you get your information, do you find that it comes to you? Or do you feel that you do like a type of channeling where you actually go to in your mind, do you feel like you’d go to another place where that information comes?


Speaker 2: David Chametzky ( Guest)

A little bit of both. It just comes to me. Like, I might be talking to you and then I’ll be like, Can I just ask you this one question? You know, and then I’m like, Okay, let’s, can we just talk about this a little bit? I try to always be in that place to be open for certain things, but I’ve also asked not to do many readings, because for me, I don’t want to deal with the sadness.

While this gentleman was happy that his partner was fine, though, seeing him cry, I was like, oh, I wanted to hug him. I’d like to use my, the skills that I’ve been given, I’ve been granted differently. But there’s times that I will, my friend Alex, who every now and then she’s going through some challenges and I go, your parents say this is exactly what you got to do. You can resist on it, but I go, I’m telling you, she goes, what are you talking about? And then I share, or I’ve, I’ve shared just because they’re almost yelling at me. Like you need to tell her and you know, like, like there’s certain days that I call her up and I’m like, I know we haven’t spoken in a while.

Is this going on? She goes, what did you know? Who called you? And I’m like, I’m telling you, I just. Your parents came to me and they’re telling you what to do. It’s up to you to do it. So there’s sometimes I feel, and I had heard this quote once that God sometimes works anonymously through us. And I love that quote because for me, it’s the, some of my gifts I know are God given, I have a, I just posted something like that today.

Where I said, I never thought I was a religious person because I had the bar too high. And not that the bar moved, it was that I rose because I now see things differently. That God is for all of us, not just the people who follow every rule or what it is. It’s your relationship with God, which is something that I’ve always shared. You don’t have to be pious, don’t break the rules, but with God. God knows what’s in your heart. And if you can be honest in your heart, it’s like that anything else. Like if you could be authentic in what you’re doing, the magic will come to you.


Speaker 2: David Chametzky ( Guest) speaks about his reiki experiences

I do. I do some hands on. Some of the modalities I use to, uh, help people, one of them is called, uh, Havening, which is a psychosensory touch modality to help people through traumas. But I don’t touch anybody. Make sure that no matter what I do, I don’t physically touch anybody, so there’s no questions of inappropriate touch.

Anything I ask when I do Reiki, I say, I might be close to your body, is that comfortable? If not, it’s also okay because I don’t know if you use Reiki, you feel the burning in your hands. Once you start tapping into that energy, your hands really start burning. I didn’t know that. I remember when I first, my first friend that I experienced having it, my friend, Patricia, she’s like, feel my hands, you know, she was going to do a healing and her hands were burning.

And I’m like, that’s just crazy. And after she turned it off, you know, the, the power, the energy, my hands got back to normal. And I didn’t experience that till I started learning it. That’s why we tap into that, that energetic field and what we call it.  People like to call it God, sometimes it is God. You know, just the way things happen.

Speaker 2: David Chametzky ( Guest) talks about his suicide experience

I mean, that’s why even when I do my mental wellness piece, I could do a lot of it by video and things like that. And I, and I sense one of the things is when I do havening, you can just sense the way the voice cracks a little bit. And then you know you’ve gotten there or sometimes an eye movement the right way I notice it and I’m like, all right, we got you. How do you feel? And that’s why I go, is it paranormal? I go, yeah, I don’t know, but I’ve had other instances.

I mean, I attempted suicide five years ago and I was told by an angel. That’s not my time. And I need to go talk about mental wellness. And so I said, please tell me your name. And it was a grandpa, Mike. I don’t have a grandpa, Mike. So there’s so many different pieces of when things happen. I’m like, now I asked the question.

Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)     

Did you feel that at that time when you had those suicidal thoughts, was that a big changing point in your life? Was that when you started, you were working on yourself and improving yourself that you couldn’t. Aspire to use those skills with others.

Speaker 2: David Chametzky ( Guest)

So I was already using the skills that I had, but I wasn’t taking care of myself. And to me, that was the difference. And while we hear many stories of people attempting suicide and then having those second regrets afterwards, I was very comfortable as part of my story. I wrote 50 letters to people to explain to them why I was doing it in a safe way, why I was doing it, and nothing anybody could have done could have changed that.Change my direction even when I felt I was losing consciousness. I was comfortable like okay, buddy. Here it is You know, it’s kind of like when you go underwater and you’re like, okay I was comfortable, and then that’s when Grandpa Mike Energy came to me and said, It’s not your time, you’re going back, and you need to go talk about this.

You need to do the things, make right. Even then, I’ve had some stories, I was once in the cemetery, and in the Jewish faith, when you, they like to have ten men, called a minion. And there was, Terry, they needed an extra man. They go, would you mind helping us out? I go, I know exactly what you’re doing, you don’t need to explain.

Of course. And I left my daughter in the car, she was, you know, 20 at that point. And we went in. Out of all the names in the, this one gentleman who I didn’t know, random, it was a Michael. And I was like, okay, I’m supposed to be the, I get chills. I hear you don’t feel sad, you know, keep your focus. So, you know, it’s all these like little paranormal stories that I experienced and I’m like, okay, we could say it’s coincidence, but it’s a little bit more.

I don’t know how to explain it properly other than just saying it’s that, that God energy. And it’s really interesting. I know I’ve had other dreams besides that girlfriend, you know, one time after my grandmother passed away, I saw her and I tried to talk to her and then she ran away. Uh, well, she pushed me away, you know, not physically, you know, energetically. You just don’t know because we don’t know. And because I was able to see people I had never met like that, that gentleman’s girlfriend and people from when I was learning how to do mediumship. I was like, wow. Uh, I mean, even just recently, I went with my girls to a medium. We were helping a friend teaching a medium class and they go.

You know, all the answers, like, you know, they said, could you ask any questions? So I asked the question and then they go, they’re telling me they’re laughing. They go, and you know, all the answers, all the answers that you say are right. And I’m thinking in my head and they’re like, yes, you’re right.

I’m like, okay. It’s just interesting. And I’ve noticed with other mediums as well. Where they walk, where I walk in and they’re like, you have lots of energy. The medium type energy. I go, I, I think I do. They’re like, no, you do just shut up and, and trust it. And that’s where I tell everybody they can, and they do have that energy. We just have to sometimes shut our brain down. That was. The one part when I was learning it, I said, Bob, how do I learn how to do this? He goes, it’s easy. You surrender. I go, okay, but how do I surrender? And he goes, you surrender. He goes, no feelings, no touches about anything. He goes, that’s where you’re messing it up.

Speaker 2: David Chametzky ( Guest) tells of his mum’s passing and her resistant nature

You know, I, I’ve had some great experiences, I mean, like, even the experience once I embraced it differently, when that woman came back to me, you know, my girlfriend, I, I loved her, I mean, it’s, I mean, during the pandemic, I started reading some of the romantic stories I wrote and poems I wrote for her, and I cried, I felt she was with me.

To help me that she’s fine. And I’ll, I’ll tell you a funny story. So my mom was very resistant when, when she transitioned, she was very res resistant to the transition. And, uh, she was in Houston. I was here in New York, uh, in the States. So it’s about 1500 miles. Uh, not sure how many kilometres, but, uh, it, it, it’s a great distance and I had already said goodbye to her in August because she stopped eating and I  . We stopped eating, that’s what’s gonna happen. And, uh, she passed away in October, uh, actually Halloween, the 31st. But, people were like, are you gonna go back down? I was like, nope, I’m at peace with her. And, she resisted the whole way.

So not only did she make, she didn’t, she wasn’t in any pain. But she resisted the whole way. She was scared to go. She was a very fearful woman. Anyway, tell you a funny story. This is the paranormal part is. So she died at 6 AM on a Monday morning. And for whatever reason, the doctors, we had to fly her from, we were going to bury her here in New York.

So we need to have them to sign the death certificate. The doctor didn’t do it that day. So she, we lost the day that way. Then we had to find the right plane and not every plane flies, remains. And until she got there, then she gets back here on in New York. They go into the hearse to pick her up at the airport, the transition, and the car breaks down. Then they put her in a new car. And the bungee cord that holds the remains in the casket popped and hit the funeral director in the eye. And I, just the next morning I was like, you have a black and blue on your eye. She goes, your mother. And I’m like, I need to hear your story. You know, like she, it wasn’t wrong, you know, like she wasn’t nasty.

And I go, I need to hear that story. And that’s how she told me about the bungee cord they locked her in. Does it move around? And it popped. So then because I was comfortable in my mother’s transition, the energy, I said, I would love to have some really good energy at the funeral home. I asked my sister, can we clap for Sally? And she was like, no, I couldn’t handle it. You’re going to make me freak out. I go, okay, no problem. I won’t do it. But I did start the eulogy. I said, Hey, you know, I just was so glad that my mom showed up a little late and I was going to clap and then my nephew started clapping and everybody started clapping Which I know my mother would embrace.

Then we go to the cemetery. They were doing construction in the cemetery on one of the roads. So we had to go around in a cemetery, not like getting to the cemetery. I’m like, talk about somebody who is resistant. Then it goes one more step further is in the Jewish faith. When you come home, you’re supposed to have hard boiled egg.

It’s about symbolizing the life that comes in and we eat it. Especially those in mourning. Well, we forgot to do that. My, you know, whatever happened, we forgot to make the hard-boiled eggs, but we had egg salad, so I go, don’t worry about it. We have egg salad and. My sister was all upset. And my mother was always one of these people who were like, well, this is what the rules were. and then I go to a friend, uh, you know, a couple of weeks after my mom, I was missing my mom. I still felt sadness around it. I said, you know, Janet, would you just, you know, is my mom coming through? I go, I have to me, I go, I don’t know if she’s angry. And she goes, I don’t know if she’s angry either, but she says, there’s something about eggs, I don’t know what you’re talking about.

And I go, no way. I go, that’s how I knew that was my mother, because that’s a very Sally story. And I know that I enjoy it. And, you know, I get to tell those stories about that. And I think that’s really one of the magical pieces of life when we, when we’re open to seeing the things. I mean, I, you know, I have other stories.

When my best friend passed away unexpectedly, and I took care of his mom. His mom then transitioned within six months, uh, because she had Alzheimer’s. But at 1. 11 PM, there was a, in a bright blue sky, there was one lightning bolt. And I was like, okay, I thought it was just me that I saw her. We got out of the car right before we buried her, and the rabbi was like, did anybody notice that time? Like, and other people, like we saw the lightning bolt and I’m like, yeah, it was at one 11, it was one 11 in my car. I don’t, they go, yeah. Like in all their cars also, I was like, they’re telling me and I get chills, like just talking about it, that they’re together. Like, I knew that my friend and his mom, because that was, that was If you want to talk about love stories, that was one of the most beautiful love stories that I, I was, you were able to see, you know, how he took care of his mother and part of his illness, you know, the high blood pressure was because his mother at that time wasn’t his mother anymore.

So there were stories like that, that I, you want to call paranormal? I do, because it shows we’re still alive. And, uh, he wasn’t somebody who believed in the paranormal. And I once asked and he had come through and I said, well, why do you believe it now? Like trying to push back with the medium. And he goes, yeah, I didn’t see it from this end.

Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host

And I just really want to say thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on Perfectly Paranormal today. It’s been a pleasure.

Speaker 2: David Chametzky ( Guest)

Thank you for the opportunity. I so appreciate it. You and I, as I said, we had our little challenges, but the universe brings it exactly when it’s supposed to be and this is the exact moment. So thank you and God bless you for the opportunity. 

Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

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I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.




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