#78 Joshua Chaires – Phantom Detectives LLC investigator interview

Joshua is a wealth of paranormal knowledge having completed 23 investigations and studied paranormal history in the US.

Today. we are speaking with Joshua Chaires. Joshua is the founder and director of Phantom Detectives LLC, based in Pennsylvania in the US. He is a passionate paranormal investigator, writer, musician, and paranormal historian. Joshua shares his wealth of knowledge from understanding paranormal hauntings, explaining investigation equipment, how the team’s respectful approach connects them to spirits in every location and we get to hear some of Joshua’s most memorable paranormal experiences from the team’s 23 investigations.


#78 Joshua Chaires – Phantom Detectives LLC investigator interview


So let’s get into our interview with Joshua. Would you like to tell us a little bit about who you are, what you do, and why you love the paranormal so much?


Speaker 2: Joshua Chaires ( Guest)

My name is Joshua Chares. I am the director and founder of Phantom Detectives LLC’s team.
I’m a writer, researcher, and paranormal historian.

I originally got my start in the supernatural by watching a program called Unsolved Mysteries with the great Robert Stack. That was kind of one of the first paranormal, uh programs and there was an episode on there called The Haunting of the General Weighing Inn. It’s this old English coaching station, Pennsylvania right outside of Philadelphia It’s very well haunted and in that episode.

This coaching was originally called the Steepest Trap Tavern It was found at the wayside in 1704 And then it was in 1790 was named after a Revolutionary War hero, Major General Anthony Wayne, who had a lot of paranormal experiences in the episode that piqued my interest.

This was on season one, episode five, around 1987, 88. And in that episode, patrons will be sitting at the bar area of the General Wayne Inn, and they said that the, uh, when that episode aired on Unsolved Mysteries, that the TV went clockwise, counterclockwise, that was one of the alleged claims. There supposedly also were Hessian soldiers that were also haunting this old English coaching inn, and many famous dignitaries actually had done stuff here at the General Wayne Inn.

George Washington was there, Marie de Lafayette, Edgar Allan Poe wrote several stanzas of The Raven there, you know, obviously there were Hessian soldiers going in and out of the place at the time. So obviously there was also supposedly one of the valets that would be outside of the parking lot. He actually supposedly said that the car was completely turned on by itself and also the headlights were on and nobody was anywhere near the car at all.

The car was completely locked. There were also people supposedly seeing this Hessian soldier in the basement and there would be an adding machine or a calculator that supposedly would add numbers by itself. That was another strange phenomenon that was going on. So that episode, of course, really piqued my interest back in, you know, 1984, 85, you know, I remember basically seeing it, you know, as a little baby then, but I remember when I was four years old watching Ghostbusters.

So obviously I was a Ghostbusters kid with Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Bill Murray, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver and all of them. So obviously that was kind of one of the major things that talked about paranormal activity. And also, you know, In Search Of by Leonard Nimoy.

I mean, everyone watched that show. Spock from Star Trek kind of really started the first true paranormal show,’In Search Of,’ that talked about UFOs and Bigfoot and ghosts. So, In Search Of was one of the first true shows. And then, as we got into the 90s, I remember having a UFO experience as a, you know, in kindergarten basically seeing like triangular lights in the sky looking up, you know, and seeing like different kind of light patterns.

So I always had always kind of knew that we were not alone in talking about UFOs and always knew that was something or something more than what we knew. And of course, um, in the 90s, of course, I started reading every book by Dr. Hans Holzer. Hans Holzer, of course, was America’s first ghost hunter. He was one of the ones with his trans mediums, Ethel Meyers and Sybil Leak. You know, he did some legendary cases and of course in 92, 93, I remember hearing about this radio program. Uh, this radio host, by the name of Art Bell, kind of flipped the AM dial one night, and I started hearing, this is Dreamland with Art Bell, and I started hearing Linda Moulton Howell talking about crop circles and cattle mutilations on Dreamland Arts Weekend Show.

The voice absolutely captivated me and I listened to Art almost every single day, listening to him interview Malachi Martin a Jesuit priest talked about exorcisms and hearing, uh, you know, John Lear talk about UFOs, you know, he was a contract pilot, CIA contract pilot. And of course, hearing, uh, other famous, like John Runner talking about angels.

It was just an amazing show. And that really Whitley Strieber talking about his books, Hunger and Communion, like, and it’s just an amazing show. There’s so much stuff that you can learn listening to Olark Bell. He was the first really true paranormal radio show host because he was actually the one who read ghost stories over the years.

He used to do a radio program called Ghost to Ghost AM. Where he would, um, read listeners ghost stories that people would fax in. And nobody had ever done that at that time. So, obviously, around the late 90s, some television shows started popping up. One of the first ones that I loved, before even Ghost Hunters, was one called Most Haunted with Yvette Fielding and Carl Beattie.


I actually had the opportunity to investigate the General Wayne in 2002 with my late mentor, Michael Lien Mayer.

She actually wrote this quantitative analysis on the end, she was on the Unsolved Mysteries episode where she actually showed where people had reported seeing this Hessian soldier.

So I went down to the basement area and mind you, ghost-hunting equipment wasn’t as advanced as it is now. You might’ve had maybe an EMF meter, maybe a voice, a tape recorder. You might’ve had a digital camera and maybe dowsing rods, but you can make out a coat hanger. So that was basically all that you had back in those days.

You know, ghost-hunting equipment wasn’t very advanced. So I went down the basement area and just took a digital camera, like the three consecutive photos as they teach you in ghost hunting 101 class. And in one of the photos that I took, you can actually see green and yellow streaks of light in it and I went to try to debunk it. I tried to look at every possible, I took it to different film experts and they said, ‘Hey, there’s nothing here. I don’t know.’ You know, basically, this is not doesn’t look obviously there’s any kind of like, you know, a flaw in the film. And so basically, I kind of knew there’s something that definitely matched the eyewitness count.

And it’s right in the area where people have seen this Hessian soldier, you know, with the yellow and green garments on named Wilhelm. Supposedly, he died and was buried. He was a part of Colonel Rawls’s regiment back in 1776 when Washington was crossing the Delaware. So that is in that episode.

It was pretty fascinating going to my first investigation. And then, of course. You know, all the ghost-hunting shows started popping up on TV. One of the first true ones that I loved was Ghost Hunters and Plumbers from Murder, Murder. They were pretty much the Atlantic Paranormal Society. They’re long time friends of mine. I’ve known Jason and Steve and Tango for years, and I’ve been very good friends with those guys. You know, the plumbers from Murder, Murder, Grant Wilson and all them, like, When I started coming on TV, like I loved how they took an analytical approach. They never believed the client’s claims.

What they did was they would do an interview with the client and then let the client set up equipment in those areas where there’s activity. And then, you know, kind of, you know, debunk things. For example, say, for example, a client’s like hearing like some kind of noise that could be explained by maybe a faulty pipe, like a leaky faucet or something that’s maybe like creating, you know, causing water to drip and they’re thinking like, what is dripping on its own? And if you think it’s a ghost that’s turning the faucet on and off like that’s kind of something that, you know, that they would do the plumbers from Roto Rooter, so they would debunk stuff. And then in 2007, Ryan Buell came out with Paranormal State.

Actually, I went to college with my best friend, Gwen, went to college with Heather, Taddy, and Katrina Weidman, who are on that show. The one where the students from Penn State University would investigate paranormal activity in different homes on A& E. And of course I have Ryan Buell’s old EMF meter. The guy who headed up PRS has his old Trifield EMF meter. And of course, uh, Ghost Adventures started coming out with Zach Bagans, Aaron Goodwin. That was a really great show. So I loved how these ghost hunting shows were basically going and interviewing people before the investigations and then doing the actual investigations and then showing the reveal of what they captured during the investigation.

Sometimes they would get stuff. Sometimes they wouldn’t, you know, sometimes they would get like EVPs Different kinds of images and so forth. S. O. S. You know, camera. So I always loved how they collected all the data and used the scientific method, which is like creating a hypothesis, developing the hypothesis and then seeing if you get results from the hypothesis.

So around 2014, I was watching an episode called:
The Haunting of Summer Wind.

Summerwind is a well-known place that is based in Land O’Lakes, Wisconsin. It’s in the upper UP of Michigan. It was originally created as West Bay Lake Fishing Lodge in 1914. And then two years later, a guy named John Frank, a travelling merchant from Akron, Ohio.

He went ahead and obviously created this fishing lodge. You can stay there for 4. 99 a night. And then he sold it to a future U. S. Secretary of Commerce by the name of Sir Robert Patterson Lamont.  Mr. Lamont bought the place and it was renamed the Lamont Mansion. So he employed, uh, our Chicago architects, Talmadge Tamaj and Vernon Watson to renovate Summer wind and turn it from a fishing lodge into a mansion.

So during that time, basically some of the servants say, Hey, there’s ghosts. And you know, there was paranormal activity at Mr. Lamont say, grow up. There’s no such thing as ghosts. So basically, Mr. Lamont, supposedly in 1935 and the 1930s, right around the time of the Depression, he supposedly was eating, this was a summer home, and there are even rumours that two U.S. presidents stayed there, Calvin Collins and Warren G. Harding, who were good friends of Mr. Lamont’s. Mr. Lamont was the secretary of commerce under Herbert Hoover.

So basically Mr. Lamont, and his wife were eating dessert and suppose, according to the legend of, of summer, when there was this, uh, door, this basement door supposedly was rustling and flew open, revealing this ghost and supposedly Mr.Lamont fired a gun, fired two shots, thus missing the ghost and you never returning to this mansion. He died in the 19th. And then he went ahead and sold the place to a lady named Lillian Kiefer. Miss Kiefer was in the haunting episode, uh, season one, episode five, The Haunting of Summer Wind. Her name was Miss Murray.

They usually changed the name to obviously to protect the identity of the people that were involved. So I, over the next 20 years, you know, people would lease out, she would lease out the property of the people and then it would come back to her and people would lease it out. And then. It wasn’t until the 1960s.

So the Henshaw family moved into Summer wind where a lot of the experience happened. So they had to have this place when they first got it. And I’m a family friend of the Henshaws. I know in Raymond Vaughn Bogart, Jr. Ginger’s brother. And I knew April Ginger’s daughter. And they were both there in the 1970s.

So when they had to have the place, they would have the window is supposedly would fly open on their own. So they had to nail them shut. And then they would have contractors that would come to the mansion to do some work on this Summerwood mansion. And of course they would report basically that tools would disappear. They would end up like appliances would break down and, you know, and then we would start again. And of course, mind you, Summer wind was one of the first places built in the 1920s that had steam, heat, and electricity. It was one of the first kinds of houses like they had back in those days, which was pretty rare for the early 1900s in Summer wind.

Supposedly Mr. Hinshaw was a contract worker. So basically it was like the Brady Bunch family. He had three kids and then Ginger, she had three kids. So. If pretty much when they got together, they also went ahead. Supposedly, Mr Hinshaw went out to work because he worked as a contractor and supposedly his car caught on fire.

There’s a story from somewhere when I would love to tell you that supposedly Joe was just quarter hair with all these appliances breaking down. Supposedly, Mr. Hinshaw found this crawlspace. So he sent his 10 year old stepdaughter April into the crawlspace and in the book, she was known as Mary. So they had to change the name. So there’s a book written about it like 10 years later. So in the crawlspace, supposedly she found a skeleton with black hair. She completely screamed and, you know, was terrified. So the family called the police and, you know, reported the skeleton. And then the next day, the skeleton wasn’t there.

And that’s when everything started taking a turn for worse at Summer Wind. What happened supposedly was the stepdad was supposedly going mad. His real name was Jim Hill, but they changed it to Arnold Henshaw. He played, there was this Wurlitzer organ. He played the organ to all hours of the night, you know. Then what happened, supposedly, was that the family had to stay in one room because they were so terrified to go anywhere else. There was, after he played the Wurlitzer organ, the family, Ginger, tried committing suicide. He was committed to a mental institution. So, supposedly, he was claiming that the spirits there were trying to get him to play the organ.

Ginger gave the property back to Miss Kiefer because she couldn’t afford to keep up on the payments. When she was leasing it out to her. So basically Ginger’s father, Wolfgang von Bober said, Hey, I want to go ahead and make a go in this place again. So he went ahead and created,  he was a popcorn vendor from Chicago.

So he was Ginger’s dad, but he tried to make a goal of the place again. And what he did, you know, obviously he ran into similar problems. He would have construction workers and he tried to make it into a bed and breakfast. He had tools breaking down and paranormal experiences that he wrote about in 1979. You can still find the book on. Amazon, but it’s three to five hundred bucks. It’s very pricey. But if you want to see most of the, um, haunting episode, um, you can pretty much look that up on Google: A Haunting- season one, episode 5,The Haunting of Summer Wind. And you can see it all in that episode.

So, of course, he would measure rooms and supposedly the rooms were known to change shape and I have the original blueprints of Summer Wind. And I’ll talk about how I acquired those later in the interview. So obviously, like, you know, Once, much like the Henshaws, he ran into some more problems, and according to, uh, you know, his son, he brought the, uh, project for his son, Ray Jr., who was trying to come out of the army at that time, so Ray Jr. supposedly was upstairs, and then he was like, you know, kind of putting paint down and priming back in the early 70s, and supposedly he started seeing visions of the gunshot, so he ran downstairs and he saw the bullet holes where Mr.

Lamont fired the gun. Then basically they actually left the property, never came back around  1973. They abandoned it around 75, 76, they went back to Ms. Keefer again. And then Ms. Keefer died around 1985. So what happened was, uh, the book, A Carver Effect, the Paranormal Experience, that’s where the one that kind of documents this and according to the main theme of the book, there was this English Explorer by the name of Jonathan Carver. Who was born in Weymouth, Massachusetts? He was supposed to be granted a one third of a parcel of land that was going to be given to him. Now this is just like, you know, a big thing, a thing basically where I had a dream and all of a sudden this English explorer named Jonathan Carver.

So basically the property, after Miss Kiefer died in 85, a couple named Harold and Babs Tracy from La Crosse, Wisconsin, bought it. They thought they could make a go of the place again. So Mr. Tracy places a wedding anniversary present to Miss Tracy. So they thought, hey, you know, and supposedly one of the interesting stories was around 1987, they had reported  they’d walk up to the mansion one day and they reported the mansion was inhaling. Now that’s supposedly just coming from the current owners that they actually had, supposedly the mansion was kind of taking a life on itself. But unfortunately what happened was Father’s Day of 1988, what happened was lightning and fire struck down Summerwind and then supposedly the place was burnt to the ground.

And what’s interesting was there was a neighbour that’s next door back in the late 80s, early 90s. He had some, told my friend Craig Naring, Craig of course, a team called the Fox Valley Ghost Hunters up in the upper UP of Wisconsin, that there was a town was involved in burning the property down because they were tired of people trespassing on the property trying to get their own paranormal experience.

So what happened was the township took it upon itself to level the place. So where I come in in 2014 is I see this haunting episode. I go to Summerwindmansion.com. ’cause I wanted to research more about the mansion. So I see a section that says Blueprints for sale.

So I emailed the seller, and it turns out to be Raymond Von Boger Jr. Who was one of the co-owners of Summer wind back in the seventies. You know, Ginger’s brother. I made an offer and I bought the original engineering diagrams from Summer wind, which I still have to this day. So I went ahead and made an offer, bought them, and then I reached out.

I saw a news feed of Summer wind on YouTube, and I found out my friend Craig Nehring, who, from the Fox Valley Ghost Hunters was friends with Harold and Babs Tracy. He knew the owners, and we created the Summer wind Restoration Society to restore, rebuild, and relaunch this place as a haunted place.

And I worked with Craig for a couple of years on a project helping him get, uh, radio shows on like Coast to Coast Day and Dr. J Radio Live and Darkness Radio at Dave Schrader. So obviously I was just trying to help get publicity, and I will say that there is a well-known producer of many ghost-hunting shows on television that’s been in touch with Craig about trying to, uh, Potentially do a future, you know, rebuild this place.

He wants to do a television show showing it as it’s, you know, investigated after it’s rebuilt and after it’s not rebuilt. So I think that would be really cool. Rebuilding a haunted house. Nobody has ever done something like that that I know of. So hopefully there’s a lot of interest in the place because it was the US Secretary of Commerce’s house.

It has historical value. So, hopefully, my friend, Michelle is a descendant of Jonathan Carver. I think a many times great granddaughter. So obviously they run the project now, but I did help put that together. It’s a, you can go to Facebook and type in summer when haunted mansion and there’s a project, you know, all the phases that Craig is kind of leading that now he’s got a copy of the original blueprint.

So I hope someday the place is rebuilt because I think it would be an awesome place. And you know, to be able to have a museum or. Do tours and stuff like that there. I think it’ll be a really cool idea. So hopefully someday it gets rebuilt. That sounds fascinating. You are such a whirlwind of knowledge when it comes to the paranormal.


 What is your favourite piece of equipment and which piece of equipment gives you the most or the best responses?

Speaker 2: Joshua Chaires ( Guest)

Sure. So there’s a lot of different pieces of equipment and mind you where it was 20 years ago. So, let’s talk about the genesis of Phantom Detectives and how I started it. So obviously I went ahead and started this in August 2020, because I wasn’t happy with how my old team was progressing. We weren’t really getting anywhere to where I wanted to go. So I went ahead, created business cards, and had a website developed from the ground.

I had built my own social media pages and I started doing investigations on what I did I trained with a guy named Brian J. Cano, who was on a show called The Haunted Collector at Selma Mansion in 2020. So I took all that knowledge and did our first investigation on December 9th, 2020 and there was this place called the Sanderson Museum and the Sanderson Museum was, Founded in 1967 by Andrew Wyeth.

He was a friend of Christian Sanderson. And Christian Sanderson, of course, well-known dignitary. He supposedly was a musician, a poet, and a radio show host. He used to host square dances inside and outside. So basically there, we actually set up the violin case and then we started picking up, you know, we called an orb at the same time the security camera was going off at the same time our battery drained as well.

So you can add layers upon layers like that. That’s pretty amazing. So, so far. Out of 23 investigations that we’ve done, I would say my favourite piece of equipment, like, there’s so many, but for me, the old standard voice recorder, like just doing EVPs, you know, just a standard digital voice recorder always gets great things because sometimes you can pick up words and responses on the digital voice recorder.

And of course, The thermal imaging cameras pick up hot and cold signatures. It’s kind of like auto mechanics use them and they use it to locate missing people in the wilderness when they’re doing like, you know, flying over with helicopters.

Also, I love the SLS camera, which, you know, draws the stick figure, you know, like a little person basically against the wall. I love that piece of tech and I got the original digital dowsing one made by Bill Chapel that was on Ghost Adventures. It’s only about 20 of them in existence. And of course, I’ve upgraded to a new one since then, but I love the SLS camera. If the key is you have to make sure that when you map with the SLS camera, you have to hold it stationary.

And then of course you got to make sure you put it against solid walls, make sure there’s like no like chandeliers or no picture frames, because that can easily cause a false mapping. And then, of course, I also love the dowsing rods. You know, those are great. We use the lighted dowsing rods on investigations because they’re great, because they’re, you can change the colours in the dark and they work really nice.

So those are just some of the equipment that I love. And of course, the Ghost Box 2, the PSP 7, PSP 11, you know, scan the AM and FM dial and we use our, we do our Spirit Box session with our psychic medium, Melissa Ferazano, who is a student of Cindy Kazza from the Holzer files. We created our version of the Estes method, which I feel is hands down better than everything on most of the television shows today. So that’s awesome. I think it just depends on what you’re looking for. But for me, most of the EMF meters, the SLS cameras, and the third wide-range cameras are my favourite. Yeah, nice, nice. Oh, you, you are just, you’re right up my alley when it comes to paranormal investigation. I’ve done a little bit in the past.

Have you ever had spirits follow you home from your investigations?

Speaker 2: Joshua Chaires ( Guest)

Not yet, but I will say, I think it’s because of the way that we approach the investigations, like, we try to be kind and deaf as they were in life, so when you say please, and when you say thank you, and you know, you try to show respect, like, thank you for allowing us to come into your home or your business, and thank you for allowing us to conduct this investigation. So when you treat them with respect, I think a lot of them most of the time will be happy to talk to you or most of them will maybe like, you know, touch you or set off a piece of equipment for you to let you know that they’re there.

When you’re kind to them and you’re not like, don’t do the Zach Bagans way – We do it to them,  now do it to me… that to me is the wrong approach! That’s how he noticed, he always got stuff like following him home because obviously, that’s the way. I think that’s more for  the ratings and getting television contracts and for also for the entertainment value, you know, he’s trying to entertain people. So I think a lot of these shows on television, it’s kind of like watching WWE, you know, it’s a part of it are real, but then there are parts of it that are also scripted for reality television. So obviously it’s entertainment at, you know, at its value. So obviously I believe that. When you treat the spirits of kindness and respect and you show them that, hey, you know, you know, this is your home, you know, your business, your work, we’re coming into your place.

Thank you for allowing us and when you show respect most of the time, and also if you bless yourself too, if you use like a holy water from like Jerusalem, we have that. And we also burn sage. You know, if you prepare yourself enough, we haven’t had any problems yet with anything falling on us.


Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)     

And you know why I do a lot of work with paranormal work, with the spirits with the dark entities in the home clearings and so forth. You’ve hit the keyword, which is respect. When you respect spirits and you respect the locations and you respect any other types of entities that may be present, they generally are quite happy to communicate with us and they don’t follow people home. It’s when you get people that may sort of try to ramp up the energy to get responses. A lot of the spirits don’t like that. I’ve seen people that have got scratched. I’ve been in places where people have got scratched. Because they’ve been disrespectful. They’ve swore at them. They’ve asked them. It’s not a circus act. They’re living entities in our environment.


Speaker 2: Joshua Chaires ( Guest)

Exactly, and by not showing them respect or treating them with respect, they’re going to attach themselves to you. They might, you know, scratch you. They might have thought crazy things before. So it all comes down to like how you interact with the environment. So if you show respect for the environment, you’ll be perfectly fine. Like, I think it just comes down to, you know, like showing that, yeah. You know, treat them with kindness and we get results on every investigation, at least two or three pieces of evidence.

That’s what it’s all about. It’s just showing humbleness and respect and that’s all you got to do. That’ll change everything and you can also just ask them to go home. I used to work at a local, now abandoned mental health facility here in Tasmania and I used to work as a paranormal tour guide and not occasionally get some of the kids that were at this site.

They’d come for a ride home in my car and play with the radio and the headlights and all sorts of things. And I’ll just say to them when I got home, I’d say, thank you very much for coming for a ride, but it’s now time for you to go home. And away they go. It’s all about the approach.

 Do you have any advice for budding paranormal investigators who want to get in, they want to do this, and where to start?

Speaker 2: Joshua Chaires ( Guest)

Sure. So, especially if you want to be able to get started in paranormal investigation. So, there’s this new directory. I think you could probably get started. It’s called paranormal societies dot org There’s also paranormal societies dot com What you probably want to do is go on the dot com. Unfortunately was created by Bill Wilkins in 2000 and seven. But unfortunately was left abandoned. He left the website abandoned in June 2000 and twenties. But there are over 4892 teams on that website.

And, of course, my friend Josh Vandy Wettering created paranormalsocieties.org as a follow-up. It doesn’t have as many teams as the dot com does. Go on that online directory and look for your state, like, in the old dot com, because the dot com has more teams that are probably still active today. So, you just want to go look up, like, a database, but look for, like, Paranormal Societies in your state or wherever you’re around the world.

Try to find a local team and then see if that team’s got a website. And then what you could do is after you’re involved, see if they do like public investigations, those are a great way to get your foot in the door. And maybe even like, even get like a membership into their society. If they let you, once they get to know you and work with you and see what gifts you might be able to offer their team. So a great way to do that, of course, is, you know, the Paracons, of course, are all over the darn place. I mean, you can go to every, there’s Paracons all over the place from Pennhurst to Spring City to, you know, Texas Paracon. So the Paracons are a great way because you can meet all the famous Paranormal celebrities from Grant Wilson to Jason Hawes to Amy Bruni, Adam Berry, Cindy Kozler from the Holster Files, Dave Schrader.

I mean, the Paracons are a great way to meet like-minded people who are interested in paranormal investigation. So you can go to the Paracons, you can go to your local, um, local ghost tours and see, it’s just like, ghosts, like, just Google search, like, ghost tour. Savannah, Georgia, ghost store, Houston, Texas.

So you can see if there’s like paranormal tours in those areas and then just like go ahead and call book the tour and then see maybe you can either work as a job and eventually as a tour guide part-time or you can get involved like doing a public investigation with one of these local teams. I mean it’s not hard you just have to basically google search it and then just type it up and find it.

I mean I’ve heck I’ve known like you know probably over a thousand two thousand teams myself so obviously it comes down to you have to find the teams. Once you find the teams, you’re going to be in great shape. I highly recommend, like, networking as the way to do it. So probably your start is your public investigations and your paracons.

Speaker 1: Anna Schmidt (Host)     

What would be the basic equipment for a budding investigator?

Because I know from the limited experience that I’ve had with paranormal investigations, that there are thousands of different types of devices. What would be maybe your top three or four suggestions for people who are getting into paranormal investigation? If they don’t want to spend the thousands of dollars that you can spend, where could they start?


Speaker 2: Joshua Chaires ( Guest)

So they want to go ahead and start just like I did, and I think the best way is there’s a website, actually a couple of websites I can share where you can buy paranormal equipment kits. There’s a website called GhostStop.com They sell paranormal equipment, and what’s cool is they just bought digital dowsing, which was, um, Equipment line, a product line from Bill Chappell, like, you know, the Ovilus and the Paranormal Puck 2. ghostop. com I think has a cool kit for like 100 or 150 that includes like a ghost box, it includes a Mel meter, it also includes like a couple of EMF meters, a voice recorder, and also like just a little, a couple like, you know, flashlights and stuff like that.

So you can buy one of these little kits basically for I would say 100, 150 bucks that you can on ghostop. com. And there’s also the ghosthunterstore. com . My friend Dave Giuliano runs based out of Philadelphia the ghosthunterstore. com He has little kits Those two websites where you can start and, you know, you know, also if you find, like, just type in Paranormal Equipment, like, on Google, you can probably find other places where you can buy, like, an EMF meter.

A voice recorder, heck, you could even like to take dowsing rods. You can just take some coat hangers and just make them out of dowsing rods like that, or you can just buy a set for like 15, 20 right on Amazon. So there’s a, they sell a couple of pieces of apparel equipment. So there’s apparel equipment all over the place.

So you just, I would highly recommend the main two for me. Also relatively paranormal, my friend Todd Sylvia, he runs relativelyparanormal. com. That’s perfect. That’s perfect. Now with your equipment. Do you personally, because I know you’ve got Melissa, she comes with you, she’s your psychic medium, she uses her psychic skills when she’s tuning into the environment, tuning into the spirits.

Do you find that your other team members, as they do more and more investigations, their own psychic skills, Start to become more developed? Do you talk about that amongst yourselves? Like, for example, we have investigation teams, three pieces. So it’s me, Melissa, and we also have a guy I want to talk about – Rick Warner.

So I like to talk about each member of the team also because Rick Warner comes from the UFO world. I invited him in March 2021. He’s a certified MUFON investigator. He has numerous certificates from MUFON University. So he started using pendulums and also divinity tools. And he’s gotten very good responses from those and he, you know, also has gotten better and better.

And of course, we also have the world-renowned psychic lawyer, and psychic explorer, Mark Anthony. He’s going to be joining us here in the future and I can’t wait to see how his gifts helped because he is like an expert he also travels to mystical locations all over the world. He’s been like coast-to-coast AM Gaia TV. He’s world famous. So we also have Holly Foss. Holly, of course, is working with us remotely. She worked for the Penn State Paranormal Research Society. She was developed by her mentor Elfie Musick. Elfie, of course, is an expert on occult symbols and spiritual beliefs.

And I’ll get you in touch with Holly to book a show in the future, but We’re the main core team. I’ve noticed both of them like Rick especially has developed a lot more over the last three years that kind of psychic medium gifts learning under Melissa and of course like you know picking up on his responses like with the dowsing rods like he’s very good correlating you know when he holds them he can feel the energy and mind you he’s not moving them he’s holding them very and they’re crossing point in the direction and they look great because we use a lighter one so.

I’m going to say yes like especially with you know our team member Rick and of course Mark Anthony who’s picked up on things on done hundreds of investigations as well so I would say yes each team member that we have is picking up on their own kind of you know mediumship abilities on these investigations and they’re using with ESP which is like a six cents.

I think we all have that sixth sense, whether or not we choose to develop it is up to us and apply, you know, those gifts that we have, we all have it, but it’s we have to choose how far we want to develop those gifts. So I would say yes, I would think our team member Rick has enhanced his gifts even more by using the dowsing rods and the divinity tool like the pendulums. So it’s helped him a lot to get a lot of great responses.  Rick has gotten connected to the spirit world that way. Yeah, that’s great. That’s great. Do you have some memorable paranormal experiences that you’d like to share with the listeners today? Sure, I have so many from the investigations that we’ve done.

 I’d like to talk about one of my most memorable experiences is a place called Pennhurst, a state run institution for mentally disabled individuals.

It’s in Spring City, Pennsylvania, developed in the early 1900s, and it was basically for mentally challenged people. The funny thing is, the night I was there, Grant Wilson from Ghost Hunters was actually there. He gave me a tutorial on how to hold the SLS camera, and how to map it.

But I and my former team member who had since left Phantom Detectives, was a Civil War reenactor, and sound engineer. She was like my founding co-founder kind of fan detectives invited her in. We were in the basement area of the Philadelphia building, which is at the bottom of these tunnels. And mind you, we saw this pair of cold boots on this rusted-out iron door. So we tried to debunk it and look for reflective surfaces. Why were these cold signatures or these of these boots coming on this rusted-out iron door? And I tried to figure out maybe someone from the tour basically could have like walked on it or maybe. But a footprint on it, I didn’t see anybody at all that was in that area.

Nobody had gone far down that hallway, you know, that night that we were there. So I have no reasonable explanation why that happened. And then later, we started hearing bangs as we were in the Mayflower building, and we heard the laughter of children. So that was a pretty memorable experience investigating Pennhurst. I’ve been there, you know, many times over the last couple of years. And of course, is the middle of a summer case, our second-ever investigation. So what was wild was we had the security camera on this door and mind you, this old mill,  founded by Samuel Lightfoot, 1747 famous Sarah Oberheiser who once lived there in the 1920s.

This door flew open by itself. I mean, mind you, it was bolted shut. See that on our YouTube channel, Phelan Detectives LLC and this door completely flew open by itself, and I have no reasonable explanation for why that happened, and I still try to debunk it, there was no wind, there was no rain that night, but that was a pretty memorable paranormal experience. Of course, one of my other paranormal experiences I remember is when we did something called World’s Largest Ghost Hunt, and we went back to the Sanderson Museum with Rick and Melissa. Um, you know, in 2021. So this was after we did the Betsy Ross house. And of course, Rick and Sasha are for a team member who actually picked up some growls in the basement area of the Betsy Ross house.

So, we went back to the Sanderson museum this time with our two other members. And then what happened was they supposedly went downstairs and they said, all these equipment bags were piled up and, you know, we basically Rick and Melissa were like, Hey, did you, did you and your former team member actually, you know, pile these bags up and try to block you guys from leaving? I said, no, we were upstairs in the violin room. So for these bags to pile up by themselves, we all were upstairs in the violin room. I have no reasonable explanation. And the problem is we didn’t have a camera in that room, which darn, I kind of hope we would capture that. That always happens what was interesting was we did an EVP session called Phantom Time was when the phantoms talked to us on our voice recorders and one of the EVPs that we got was when I said a woman that said be afraid be afraid And we think the voice that we captured, basically Christian Sanderson’s wife, Hannah, Hannah died in the, um, supposedly in the museum in the 1940s, right around World War II from tuberculosis.

So we think it might be her spirit, like, that was the one that piled up those bags and didn’t want us to leave the museum. So that museum is still very active to this day. So those are just some of the many memorable paranormal experiences I’ve had.

Would you like to share with the listeners how they can contact you, something for your social media?

Yeah, that’s perfect because I had a look at your website and I noticed that you have a page where you actually teach people how to do a paranormal investigation. 

Yes, so what you can do is on the Patreon page. We have a subscription system where people can learn how to, uh, investigate with a professional paranormal investigation team. We’re very good at what we do. We teach people how to use the dowsing rods, and how to store their equipment. How to do EMS sweeps, how to do SLS camera sweeps, how to record EVPs, all that. So there’s a website you can go, uh, there’s something that says Paranormal Investigator Training.

Phantom Detectives LLC contact details:

WEBSITE: https://phantomdetectives.org/

YOUTUBE: @PhantomDetectivesLLC

TIKTOK: phantom_detectives2020

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/phantomdetectivesllc


PATREON: Patreon. com/ phantomdetectives

DARK MATTER WEBSITE https://darkmatternews.com/

Team member websites:

RICK WARNER: https://erc2explore.com/

AUTUMN MELISSA: https://psychicmediumautumn.com/

HOLLY FAUST: https://hollyfaust.com/

MARK ANTHONY: https://www.afterlifefrequency.com/

Paranormal investigation equipment suppliers:



Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

For information about paranormal house clearing, you can visit the ‘Services’ section:
House, business and property clearing:

I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.

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