#77 Spirits & ghostly garments: Do spirits wear clothing?

Why do spirits wear the clothing they do??? Have you ever wondered why? People do think about such things so I came up with 17 possibilities and observations for you to ponder.

Today we are opening the wardrobe door on why spirits wear clothes. Eric from Utah asks: Why do we see spirit in clothes? How does that work? And I have to say that I have never even questioned spirits not wearing clothes but some people have so I thought why not slip into something more comfortable and unpack why spirits wear clothing?


#77 Spirits & ghostly garments: Do spirits wear clothing?


Have you ever thought about this? Spirits in their threads or favourite fashion line? What answers did you come up with?  I have always assumed that spirits stayed in the clothing that they passed away in or were buried or cremated in but what if you died in the shower or while taking a bath or while having surgery… what then? … the mind boggles.

Here are 17 possibilities and observations that my brain came up with and there are some quite valid points for you to ponder:

1.     We are living energy and when we die our soul lives on but project itself when visiting us as wearing the clothing you are used to seeing them in to give you a sense of comfort. My dad always wore a blue woollen beanie in his later years … and that is how I would see him when he would show up in my car which was originally his car. Did I want to see him that way… maybe as I remember the blue beanie or did he love his beanies and chose to wear his favourite one when visiting? I never expected him to visit or sit in the car trying to make it happen… he would just randomly show up. First in my mind, then in the passenger seat, he would smile at me, go for a ride for a few minutes and disappear again.

2.     I wonder do we get to choose our fashion wardrobe when we die? Can we choose our favourite ensemble, hairstyles and jewellery to wear for all of eternity or does our clothing change? I have to say that the 2 prison warden spirits I have spoken with who were still on the job, were indeed wearing their uniforms and told me they wouldn’t wear anything else. Adam the convict spirit still working at the now abandoned mental health facility wore what I could describe as a plain t-shirt, jacket and plain-looking canvas-type trousers. I suppose he knew nothing else so he kept wearing the same clothing.

3.     Clothing is a symbol of status to some people so when they die, do they still think they need that clothing to retain their status in the Afterlife?

4.     This is an odd prospect but I am putting it out there… Does clothing hold energetic memories in the Afterlife? I know objects and clothing hold energy in life, does this energy transfer to spirit clothing?

5.     Maybe favourite clothing makes a spirit still feel alive, and connected to their families, homes and lives. I imagine too when you are in spirit form you are working with manipulating energy and can imagine any form of clothing you want. Clothing is a sense of personality and identity and can also sometimes be connected to cultural or religious beliefs just like when people were alive.

6.     Some people say there are 2 types of spirits – residual spirits and interactive or intelligent spirits. The residual spirits are an energetic echo of the past repeating their routine from their past, so would be dressed in the clothing of the time. The intelligent spirits who can interact with the living… do they need to wear clothing or do they like their favourite clothing? Items that help them to feel good or remind them of the good old days or not so good ole days when they were alive.
I have visited a very active hospital site here in Tasmania and the staff were indeed dressed in the appropriate work clothes. The x-ray specialist wore a white lab coat, the nursing and cleaning staff their appropriate uniforms and the resident patients were dressed in their hospital gowns. A convict lady who showed herself to me when I visited a local site in Hobart, I had no idea of the clothing of her particular time and I described her attire to a friend of mine in great detail and she knowing our convict history confirmed what I saw.

7.     Spirits appear in clothing because that is how they remember themselves wearing a certain outfit that they liked or an outfit that they wore during a very memorable event.  A podcaster guest Brianna described seeing a lady, her neighbour on the side of the road dressed in a flouncy dress and a big hat. The next day, she found out her neighbour had died that night and the clothes she described were her coming-out outfit. Brianna had a close relationship with her neighbour and was she showing herself saying goodbye as she transitioned into the Afterlife.

8.     Another thought on spirit energy forms – when my Dad passed, let’s rewind here… the night he died, I stayed with my mum, we slept in the loungeroom and I woke in the middle of the night to see something standing right in front of me… a wavering shape that looked like fast moving static on a TV screen. My dad had just died 3 hours previously and was his energy in transition? Was he confused about what had happened and showed himself to me? He had no human form I could recognise but what I saw felt like him… something to ponder.

9.     If spirits are still here in the Earth’s reality, then would they most likely would be wearing the clothing they died in? Those that died in the bath, shower or sunning themselves on a nudist beach… what happens then? Would they be spiritually clothed in their burial or cremation clothing?

10.Do spirits who don’t know they have died, go looking for their wardrobes of clothing which is most likely long gone to the second-hand shop or to their family members?  I had a client with a spirit lady in his home who wouldn’t leave because she died suddenly and missed her things. She loved her clothing, sewing and her singer sewing machine and wouldn’t leave until she saw with her spirit eyes that her possessions were treated with respect and care.

11.This is an unusual perspective, often I see spirits, well parts of spirits and don’t often specifically see clothes, it is not that they are naked but I will only see their faces, or hands, or eyes or sometimes they want to convey a message about their passing and will show a specific part of their body such their back or heart for example.

12. Another thing… when I saw my nan, she was much younger than when she died, like 50 years younger… what’s with that? Can they choose to revert back to existing in a younger happier or healthier form and dress in what makes them happy?

13. Do our minds clothe spirits out of modesty? Possibly. Are spirits modest and wear clothes to cover their bodies even when in the ether or just when they visit us? Are spirits remembering themselves as human and following the general rules of society?

14. This one gets me…Does ghostly clothing have colour? Or is it white, pale grey, or has a luminous transparency about it – glowing or shimmering etc? When I see spirit clothing is it always coloured and usually brightly coloured. The pink dressing gown spirit for example or my dad’s blue beanie.

15. Dark entities such as the dustman entity who presented itself to a 6 year old boy named Todd was wearing clothes. Todd told his mum he saw a dark man wearing a black hoodie, shoes, black pants and gloves. Interesting for dark beings to choose human-type clothing to show themselves to human… did the entity do this to get closer to the child? Very possibly! 99% of other dark or demonic entities I have seen aren’t wearing clothing. They appear as dark misty shapes, wavering outlines or blobs of blackish matter and I have to say that the dark entity legion general I have seen a few times now wasn’t ever wearing clothing, but I saw his horns and cloven hooves.

16. Then you have Hat men and cloaked beings who people think are aliens or interdimensional entities… Do they wear clothes? People say they see them in clothing.

Dan Dan the para man back in episode 18 shared a story about a green-eyed cloaked dark figure in the barn of his childhood home and how he has never forgotten seeing this entity.

17. I have a strange vision to share with you about a kind of spirit –  I used to think about Jesus a lot, not in a religious way but more so a spiritual way when I started on my spiritual path and with no expectation other than the glowing white robe and beard and kind eyes…how I saw him one day in meditation might shock some people… There was no white shimmering clothing but instead… wait for it … blue straight leg jeans, no shoes, he had very tanned hairy feet and he was sitting in a green beanbag… weird right!!! I knew it was him, even though I only saw him from the mid-thigh down as he comfortably lounged in the beanbag… I have never forgotten the first time I saw him. The energy was so peaceful and I knew it was the Christ energy. I reckon he appeared that way because he knew I would relate to it and feel comfortable with it. I have seen him that way many times since and it always puts a smile on my face.

I think spirits wearing clothing and our perceptions of them all come down to personal and cultural beliefs. Who would have thought I could come up with so many options today? This topic had truly never crossed my mind and I thank Eric for bringing it up.

Want to share a paranormal experience? Send me your paranormal questions and your stories to:

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I look forward to sharing this spooky space again with you next week,
And remember, life is perfectly paranormal.

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